Privacy Policy

We takes your privacy seriously:

We deal with all your personal information with the utmost care and confidentiality. All personal information such as Phone Numbers, Mobile Numbers, e-mail etc. are handled only by authorized persons in our company. We take all possible steps to protect your data. We do not sell or trade your information to any third party organizations. All the information collected is used only for its defined purpose. By using us, you accept our right to collect and use the information for the purpose defined in paragraph three.

What does our privacy policy cover?

This Privacy Policy covers our treatment of personally identifiable information that we collect when you are on the site and use our services. This policy does not describe or cover information collection policies on other sites.

What type of information do we collect?

All personal information of the user including but not limited to that of their dependents or guardians as the case may be will be collected as required by the respective authorities.

We may also automatically collect aggregate information about the use of our website, including, but not limited to, which pages are most frequently visited, how many visitors we receive daily, how long visitors stay on each page, how often the individual user visits our website, how many visitors click on each individual webpage on our website, etc.

How do we use the information?

All personal information of the user including but not limited to that of their dependents or guardians as the case may be will be collected, stored and used by The Site for the sole purpose of registering.

The given information will be used to notify the user of various products and services that will be made available from time to time by us or its sister concerns.

If you prefer not to be notified of any release or to receive any product information from the Site or its sister concerns, please contact us via email, phone, or mail to make your request to be removed from our email list.

With whom will we share information?

We will not disclose user’s information (including email address) to third parties unless otherwise requested by the user in writing through e-mail or snail mail.

We may disclose information about you if we have a good-faith belief that we are required to do so by law or legal process, to respond to claims, or to protect the rights, our property or safety, its users, or others.

What about updates and revisions of our privacy policy?

We may revise and update its Privacy Policy at any time without notice by posting such revised or updated Privacy Policy at Your continued usage of our services will mean that you accept these changes.

Terms of Service

The Terms of Service for customers are available at Please read the Terms of Service Section carefully before using.

Contact us

If you have questions or comments about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us at